4.5.2023 - ØRE-NESE-HALS FOR TANNLEGER - Mats Holmstrøm - Adj professor Karolinska Institutt - KL. 18.00-21.00
Emnet: Tumor i hode/ hals regio, nese og bihule, ansiktssmerter sett fra ØNH-synsvinkel, spredning av odontogene infeksjoner mm. STED: RADISSON BLUE ATLANTIC
26. januar 2024
Mats HolmströmPresent position: Adj professor Karolinska Institute
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Research secretary Swedish Assoc of Otorhinolaryngology, Head- and Neck Surgery 1997-2001 - President of Swedish Rhinological Society 2000-2006 - Board member European Rhinological Society 2000-2010 (created bylaws to ERS together with Gerhard Rettinger) - President Swedish Assoc of Otorhinolaryngology, Head- and Neck Surgery 2004- 2009 (=ordförande Svensk förening Otorhinolaryngologi) - Board member Swedish Association of Medicine 2012-2017- Research secretary Swedish Association of Medicine 2013-2017, Numerous of courses in ENT and the field of Rhinology for students, residents and specialists. Research in the field of occupational rhinitis, nasal polyposis, allergic- and nonallergic rhinitis and cleft lip and palate. | |
Dato: 04.05.2023 (torsdag)Tid: kl. 18.00-21.00 (Det blir lett servering under kurset)Målgruppe: hele tannhelseteam, øre-nese-hals leger eller leger med interesse for fagfeltet Kursavgift: gratis Påmeldingslink: trykk her! Sted: RADISSON BLUE ATLANTIC I STAVANGER Kontakt: Inken.reichhelm@throg.no |